Ten years ago, a group of neighborhood volunteers and with the help of now Supervisor Vallie Brown, then Ross Mirkarimi’s Legislative Aide and Inner Sunset Park Neighbors started a small farmers’ market in the Inner Sunset. It was truly a grassroots effort to bring fresh food, farmers and community to a parking lot in the middle of our commercial district. The market has become a beloved institution in the neighborhood and has a dedicated group of farmers, vendors and shoppers who love to show up (rain/sunshine/fog/wind) to have a conversation and buy some great food.
Now it’s time to do some celebrating. Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association, which runs seven neighborhood markets in San Francisco including ours on Sunday and Inner Sunset Park Neighbors are planning some special activities to celebrate the ten year anniversary. Our market manager, the fabulous Nolan Adams has been involved with the planning along with Andrea Jadwin, a neighbor and former ISPN board member who helped started the market.
The biggest celebration will be on Sunday, June 9th which is also June’s Inner Sunset Flea, the fun street festival on Irving between 9th and 10th Avenue .
June 9th – 10 Year Anniversary Celebration with giveaways, ribbon cuttings, tie dye T shirts
June 16th – Kitchen Swap (bring something, take something – could be a gift for Fathers’ Day!)
June 23rd – Cherry Tasting and Inner Sunset Park Neighbors event
We’re also looking for volunteers for various events – please consider helping with tie dye T shirts, the very popular kitchen swap, our cherry tasting or creating some thank you gifts for longtime vendors like Fifth Crow. Email Info@inner-sunset.org to volunteer.