The Inner Sunset Historic Context Statement was prepared for the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Historic Preservation Fund Committee, and the Inner Sunset Park Neighbors by historian William Kostura. This historic context statement covers the history of the Inner Sunset from the 1850s through the 1960s and provides historical background to guide future historical evaluations of buildings. The project has been supported by the San Francisco Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Historic Preservation Fund Committee, the Inner Sunset Park Neighbors, and the San Francisco Planning Department. This historic context statement covers the history of the Inner Sunset from the 1850s through the 1960s and provides historical background to guide future historical evaluations of buildings. Join Planning Staff and William Kostura for a virtual community meeting to learn more about the context statement. The meeting will be held over Zoom on Wednesday, February 28th at 6pm. In order to attend, please pre-register at the following link:https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwvc-ygpjsiEtP-ZGwN0z8TrgFaYp4Bxt4H After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Please visit the webpage at https://sfplanning.org/project/inner-sunset-historic-context-statement for more information on the project, as well as a copy of the Draft Inner Sunset Historic Context Statement. The event details can be found on this page as well.
For questions about the project, please contact Preservation Planner Elena Moore by email at Elena.Moore@sfgov.org
Accessibility & Interpretation Requests: For disability accommodations or interpretation services for the virtual community meeting, please contact candace.soohoo@sfgov.org or 628.652.7536 at least 72 hours in advance to ensure availability.
628.652.7536: Para servicios de interpretación gratuitos, por favor haga su petición 72 horas antes de la reunión.