Redistricting in the Inner Sunset

Redistricting in the Inner Sunset
How do you define the Inner Sunset? Is it by a certain set of geographical boundaries, major streets, landmarks? Perhaps it is watching a child on the swing at the 6thAve house or waiting on line for a pumpkin muffin at Arizmendi Bakery. Is it a neighborhood, a shopping corridor or perhaps a place your family has called home for months or years? ISPN’s mission is to engage with all who live, work, or play in the Inner Sunset, and to provide infrastructure and support to improve quality of life, build community, and generate pride in our neighborhood.  ISPN defines the Inner Sunset’s borders to be the west side of Arguello Boulevard, the east side of 19th Avenue, the south side of Lincoln Way, and the north side of Moraga Street.

Every ten years the SF Redistricting Task Force sets the City’s Supervisorial districts following the federal census. Over the last few months, board members from the ISPN, SHARP, Golden Gate Heights Neighborhood Association and Inner Sunset Merchants Association participated in numerous redistricting meetings asking that the Inner Sunset be kept in one district rather than split up between multiple districts. All the groups feel strongly that working with one supervisor is best for our community. The task force has heard our request and currently their preliminary map has the Inner Sunset in District 7. The final map was scheduled to be released on April 15 but it has delayed. Click here  to learn more about the process.