Sixty five people showed up On January 25th to celebrate the second anniversary of Inner Sunset’s 4th Saturday monthly cleanups. Annie Tahtinen (ISPN Board member) and Sara working closely with Refuse Refuse SF along with the sponsorship and partnership of Sunset Emporium, SHARP, Avenue Greenlight, the Inner Sunset Merchants Association and Inner Sunset Park Neighbors organized a special monthly clean up.
Volunteers were treated to Peet’s coffee and donut holes and post clean up to apple cider, iced tea and seltzer water chilling at the Emporium pizza and salads from Pasquales.
Inspired by Vince Yuen, founder of RefuseRefuseSF, and a desire to do something productive post-pandemic, Annie and friends started the Inner Sunset cleanup chapter in partnership with the DPW and the Inner Sunset Merchant Association on a sunny Saturday in January 2023. We’ve kept the effort alive, not missing a single month since 2023. Our chapter joins many neighborhoods doing the same thing around San Francisco every weekend of the year. It’s inspiring and a great way to get out to meet your neighbors and feel like you can make an immediate impact on your community! We need this more than ever in a fractured world. In the words of Portland poet Susan Collard, “We’re learning our only consolation for the world is the world.” And a wonderful world is San Francisco! Thank you Annie and Sara for your consistent effort for the Inner Sunset Community.